Assistant Professor
Software and Societal Systems Department (S3D)
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Office: TCS Hall 325
(My name is pronounced "row-hun paa-dhyae")
I am also affiliate faculty at CyLab.
About Me
I research techniques for automatically discovering software bugs. My work spans several areas including software engineering, programming languages, systems, and security. I've published at various venues in these fields including ICSE, ASE, ISSTA, MSR, OOPSLA, SOSP, SoCC, NSDI, and USENIX Security. My recent projects make use of dynamic program analysis and coverage-guided fuzz testing.
At CMU, I lead the Program Analysis, Software Testing, and Applications (PASTA) research group.
I completed my Ph.D. in Computer Science at UC Berkeley, where I was advised by Koushik Sen. My dissertation investigated techniques for specializing program analysis and automated testing tools using artifacts that incorporate the knowledge of domain experts. I've also worked with Amazon Web Services as a visiting academic in the database systems research group, with Microsoft Research as a research intern in the cloud systems group, with Samsung Research America as a security engineering intern in the KNOX group, and I spent two years at IBM Research India in the developer productivity group. I hold a Master's degree from IIT Bombay, where I did a thesis on static program analysis.
I am also the lead designer of the ChocoPy programming language, which is used to teach the undergraduate compilers courses at UC Berkeley (and several other universities across the world).
My academic ancestors include Newton, Galelio, Kepler, and Copernicus.
- 2025-03-21: Joined the SPLASH/ISSTA 2026 organizing committee.
- 2025-02-18: Joined the ASE 2025 program committee.
- 2025-01-12: Paper studying date/time bugs in open-source software accepted to MSR 2025.
- 2025-01-06: Awarded an NSF grant as PI on Strengthening Correctness of Date and Time Logic in Software Systems.
- 2024-10-24: Gave a talk on SE+AI for law at SPLASH 2024.
- 2024-10-15: Invited to the PLDI 2025 program committee.
- 2024-09-10: Article published by MIT Computational Law.
- 2024-06-06: Position paper on software engineering for computational law accepted for presentation at Onward! 2024.
- 2023-12-07: Paper on ExChain accepted to NSDI 2024!
- 2023-10-30: Awarded second-round funding from the Future Enterprise Security Initiative at CyLab.
- 2023-10-23: Co-chairing the joint ECOOP/ISSTA 2024 Tool Demonstrations Track.
- 2023-07-18: Paper on Mu2 received an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ISSTA 2023.
- 2023-05-16: Invited to the ISSTA 2024 program committee.
- 2023-03-31: Co-organized a Dagstuhl seminar on Software Bug Detection: Challenges and Synergies.
- 2023-03-16: Invited to the ISSTA 2023 tool demonstrations program committee.
- 2023-03-09: Quoted in an Information Week article: Stress-Test Your Software to Prevent a Southwest-Type Calamity.
- 2022-11-28: Awarded first-round funding from the Future Enterprise Security Initiative at CyLab.
- 2022-11-01: Teaching a new course at CMU in Spring'23: Fantastic Bugs and How to Find Them!
- 2022-07-19: Invited to the ICST 2023 Program Committee.
- 2022-07-18: Received an Amazon Research Award for continuing research on coverage-guided property-based testing.
- 2022-03-25: PASTA Lab member John Billos is awarded the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship.
- 2022-03-08: Paper on the naturalness of fuzzer-generated code is accepted to MSR'22.
- 2021-09-24: Launched the PASTA Lab website.
- more...
- 2021-08-31: Paper on Filibuster, service-level fault injection in cloud applications, is accepted to SoCC 2021.
- 2021-08-12: Invited to the ESEC/FSE 2022 Program Committee.
- 2021-07-29: Invited to the ISSTA 2022 Program Committee.
- 2021-07-14: Awarded an NSF grant as PI on Future-Proof Test Corpus Synthesis for Evolving Software.
- 2021-02-19: Awarded seed funding from CyLab for Secure Software Evolution.
- 2020-12-15: Paper on Bonsai Fuzzing is accepted to ICSE 2021.
- 2020-12-03: Invited to the ICSE 2022 Program Committee.
- 2020-11-15: Had an amazing time chatting with enthusiastic students at the PL Mentoring Workshop at SPLASH 2020.
- 2020-10-18: Gave a talk on the academic job market at the JOBS workshop co-located with MICRO 2020.
- 2020-07-30: Paper on BigFuzz, scaling JQF to Apache Spark applications, is accepted to ASE 2020.
- 2020-06-10: Invited to the ISSTA 2021 Program Committee.
- 2020-05-19: Joined the OOPSLA 2020 External Review Committee.
- 2020-04-27: Accepted a tenure-track faculty position at Carnegie Mellon University (Institute for Software Research).
- 2020-04-27: Gave my Ph.D. dissertation talk! (Video).
- 2020-04-20: Received the C.V. Ramamoorthy Distinguished Research Award.
- 2020-04-01: Received an Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award from UC Berkeley.
- 2019-12-08: Paper on RLCheck, boosting JQF with reinforcement learning, is accepted to ICSE 2020.
- 2019-11-09: Wrote an article on equity and inclusion in international conferences.
- 2019-10-29: SOSP 2019 paper received the best paper award!
- 2019-10-25: Presented the FuzzFactory (Video), ChocoPy, and FailFast papers at SPLASH 2019 in Athens, Greece.
- 2019-09-16: JQF+Zest is now integrated into Fuzzit, a cloud-based continuous fuzzing service.
- 2019-09-13: ChocoPy is featured in an article on TechRepublic.
- 2019-09-12: ChocoPy was #4 on the front-page of Hacker News!
- 2019-08-07: Wrote an article on producing good artifacts for evaluation in PL/SE/Systems conferences.
- 2019-07-19: Presented the Zest and JQF (Video) papers at ISSTA 2019 in Beijing, China. Both papers won awards.
- Fray: Concurrency Testing Platform for the JVM. New!
- Mu2: Mutation-based mutation-guided fuzz testing.
- Linux Kernel Enriched Corpus: Boosting syzkaller with a regression corpus.
- FuzzFactory: Generalizes coverage-guided fuzzing to domain-specific testing goals. OOPSLA 2019.
- JQF+Zest: Coverage-guided fuzzing for inputs with complex structure and semantics. ISSTA 2019.
- PerfFuzz: Automatic generation of worst-case inputs using fuzzing. ISSTA 2018.
- TSVD: Thread-Safety-Violation Detector for .NET applications. SOSP 2019.
- Travioli: Dynamic analysis of data-structure traversals in JavaScript programs. ICSE 2017.
- VASCO: Framework for inter-procedural data-flow analysis of Java programs. SOAP 2013.
Fray: An Efficient General-Purpose Concurrency Testing Platform for the JVM
Ao Li, Byeongjee Kang, Vasudev Vikram, Isabella Laybourn, Samvid Dharanikota, Shrey Tiwari, Rohan Padhye
(arXiv Preprint | GitHub) -
It's About Time: An Empirical Study of Date and Time Bugs in Open-Source Python Software
Shrey Tiwari, Serena Chen*, Alexander Joukov*, Peter Vandervelde*, Ao Li, Rohan Padhye
MSR 2025 (to appear | Preprint) [* = equal contribution] -
SPIDER: Fuzzing for Stateful Performance Issues in the ONOS Software-Defined Network Controller
Ao Li, Rohan Padhye, Vyas Sekar
ICST 2025 (to appear | Paper PDF) -
The Havoc Paradox in Generator-Based Fuzzing (Registered Report)
Ao Li, Madonna Huang, Caroline Lemieux, and Rohan Padhye
FUZZING 2024 (DOI | Paper PDF) -
Software Engineering Methods For AI-Driven Deductive Legal Reasoning
Rohan Padhye
SPLASH Onward! 2024 (DOI | Paper PDF | Talk Video) -
ExChain: Exception Dependency Analysis for Root Cause Diagnosis
Ao Li, Shan Lu, Suman Nath, Rohan Padhye, Vyas Sekar
NSDI 2024 (Publication | Paper PDF | GitHub) -
Can Large Language Models Write Good Property-Based Tests?
(Arxiv | Online playground)
Vasudev Vikram, Caroline Lemieux, Rohan Padhye -
Guiding Greybox Fuzzing with Mutation Testing
Vasudev Vikram, Isabella Laybourn, Ao Li, Nicole Nair, Kelton OBrien, Rafaello Sanna, Rohan Padhye
ISSTA 2023 (DOI Link | Paper PDF | GitHub) ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award -
Fuzzing, Symbolic Execution, and Expert Guidance for Better Testing
Ismet Burak Kadron, Yannic Noller, Rohan Padhye, Tevfik Bultan, Corina S. Păsăreanu, Koushik Sen
IEEE Software (DOI Link) -
Distributed Execution Indexing (Arxiv)
Christopher S. Meiklejohn, Rohan Padhye, Heather Miller -
On the Naturalness of Fuzzer-Generated Code
Rajeswari Hita Kambhamettu*, John R Billos*, Tomi Oluwaseun-Apo*, Benjamin Gafford, Rohan Padhye, Vincent J Hellendoorn
MSR 2022 (DOI Link | Paper PDF) [* = equal contribution] -
Service-Level Fault Injection Testing
Christopher S. Meiklejohn, Andrea Estrada, Yiwen Song, Heather Miller, Rohan Padhye
SoCC 2021 (DOI Link | Paper PDF | Talk Video | Project Website) -
Growing a Test Corpus with Bonsai Fuzzing
Vasudev Vikram, Rohan Padhye, Koushik Sen
ICSE 2021 (DOI Link | Paper PDF | GitHub) -
BigFuzz: Efficient Fuzz Testing for Data Analytics using
Framework Abstraction
Qian Zhang, Jiyuan Wang, Muhammad Ali Gulzar, Rohan Padhye, Miryung Kim
ASE 2020 (DOI Link | Paper PDF | GitHub | ICSE'21 Tool Paper) -
Quickly Generating Diverse Valid Test Inputs with Reinforcement Learning
Sameer Reddy, Caroline Lemieux, Rohan Padhye, Koushik Sen
ICSE 2020 (DOI Link | Paper PDF | Talk Video | GitHub) -
PARTEMU: Enabling Dynamic Analysis of Real-World TrustZone Software Using Emulation
Lee Harrison, Hayawardh Vjayakumar, Rohan Padhye, Koushik Sen, and Michael Grace
USENIX Security 2020 (Paper PDF | Talk Video) -
Efficient and Scalable Thread-Safety-Violation Detection --- Finding thousands of concurrency bugs during testing
Guangpu Li, Shan Lu, Madanlal Musuvathi, Suman Nath, and Rohan Padhye
SOSP 2019 (DOI Link | Paper PDF | Talk Video | GitHub) Best Paper Award -
SAFFRON: Adaptive Grammar-based Fuzzing for Worst-Case Analysis
Xuan Bach D. Le, Corina Pasareanu, Rohan Padhye, David Lo, Willem Visser, and Koushik Sen
JPF 2019 (DOI Link) -
ChocoPy: A Programming Language for Compilers Courses
Rohan Padhye, Koushik Sen, and Paul N. Hilfinger
SPLASH-E 2019 (DOI Link | Paper PDF | Slides PDF) -
Efficient Fail-Fast Dynamic Subtype Checking
Rohan Padhye and Koushik Sen
VMIL 2019 (DOI Link | Paper PDF | Slides PDF) -
FuzzFactory: Domain-Specific Fuzzing with Waypoints
Rohan Padhye, Caroline Lemieux, Koushik Sen, Laurent Simon, and Hayawardh Vijayakumar
OOPSLA 2019 (DOI Link | Paper PDF | Slides PDF | Talk Video | GitHub) -
Semantic Fuzzing with Zest
Rohan Padhye, Caroline Lemieux, Koushik Sen, Mike Papadakis, and Yves Le Traon
ISSTA 2019 (DOI Link | Paper PDF | Slides PDF | GitHub) ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Artifact Award - JQF: Coverage-Guided Property-Based Testing in Java
Rohan Padhye, Caroline Lemieux, and Koushik Sen
ISSTA 2019 Tool (DOI Link | Paper PDF | Talk Video) ACM SIGSOFT Tool Demonstration Award
- Validity Fuzzing and Parametric Generators for Effective Random Testing
Rohan Padhye, Caroline Lemieux, Koushik Sen, Mike Papadakis, and Yves Le Traon
ICSE 2019 Poster (Abstract DOI Link | Poster) -
PerfFuzz: Automatically Generating Pathological Inputs
Caroline Lemieux, Rohan Padhye, Koushik Sen, and Dawn Song
ISSTA 2018 (DOI Link | Paper PDF) ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
Travioli: A Dynamic Analysis for Detecting Data-Structure Traversals
Rohan Padhye and Koushik Sen
ICSE 2017 (DOI Link | Paper PDF) -
Mining API Expertise Profiles with Partial Program Analysis
Senthil Mani, Rohan Padhye, and Vibha Singhal Sinha
ISEC 2016 (DOI Link | Paper PDF) -
Detecting and Mitigating Secret-Key Leaks in Source Code Repositories
Vibha Singhal Sinha, Diptikalyan Saha, Pankaj Dhoolia, Rohan Padhye, and Senthil Mani
MSR 2015 (DOI Link)
The Synergy Between Voting and Acceptance of Answers on StackOverflow, or the Lack Thereof
Neelamadhav Gantayat, Pankaj Dhoolia, Rohan Padhye, Senthil Mani, and Vibha Singhal Sinha
MSR 2015 (DOI Link)
Smart Programming Playgrounds
Rohan Padhye, Pankaj Dhoolia, Senthil Mani, and Vibha Singhal Sinha
ICSE-NIER 2015 (DOI Link | Paper PDF) -
NeedFeed: Taming Change Notifications by Modeling Code Relevance
Rohan Padhye, Senthil Mani, and Vibha Singhal Sinha
ASE 2014 (DOI Link | Paper PDF) -
A Study of External Community Contribution to Open-Source Projects on GitHub
Rohan Padhye, Senthil Mani, and Vibha Singhal Sinha
MSR 2014 (DOI Link | Paper PDF) Honorable Mention in the MSR Hall of Fame
API as a Social Glue
Rohan Padhye, Debdoot Mukherjee, and Vibha Singhal Sinha
ICSE-NIER 2014 (DOI Link | Paper PDF) Award for Innovation and Potential Impact
Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis in Soot using Value Contexts
Rohan Padhye and Uday P. Khedker
SOAP 2013 (DOI Link | Paper PDF)
Abstractions and Algorithms for Specializing Dynmamic Program Analysis and Random Fuzz Testing
Rohan Padhye (advisor: Koushik Sen)
Ph.D. Thesis, UC Berkeley (PDF | Talk Video) -
Interprocedural Heap Analysis using Access Graphs and Value Contexts
Rohan Padhye (advisor: Uday Khedker)
Master's Thesis, IIT Bombay (PDF | Talk Slides)
- SPLASH/ISSTA 2026 (Workshops co-chair)
- FUZZING Workshop 2025 (Co-organizer)
- ISSTA/ECOOP 2024 (Tool Demo Co-Chair)
- Dagstuhl Seminar 23131 on Software Bug Detection: Challenges and Synergies (Co-organizer; see report)
Conferences PCs
- ASE 2025 (Program Committee)
- PLDI 2025 (Program Commmittee).
- FUZZING 2024 (Program Committee)
- ISSTA 2024 (Program Committee)
- FUZZING 2023 (Program Committee)
- ISSTA 2023 (Tool Demo PC)
- ICST 2023 (Program Committee)
- ESEC/FSE 2022 (Program Committee)
- ISSTA 2022 (Program Committee)
- ICSE 2022 (Program Committee)
- ISSTA 2021 (Program Committee)
- ISSTA 2021 (Tool Demo PC)
- OOPSLA 2020 (External Review Committee)
- PLDI 2019 (Artifact Evaluation Committee)
- PLDI 2018 (Artifact Evaluation Committee)
- ISEC 2016, ISEC 2017, ISEC 2018 (Program Committee)
- ACM TOSEM (Distinguished Reviewer)
- IEEE TSE (Reviewer)
- IEEE TDSC (Reviewer)
- ISR@CMU DEI Committee
- ASPLOS 2021, OSDI 2020 (Invited reviewer)
- SPLASH 2020 (PLMW Mentor)
- MICRO 2020 (Panelist at the JOBS workshop)
- SPLASH 2017 (Student Volunteer)
- ISSTA 2020, ICST 2020, PLDI 2018, CAV 2018, ASPLOS 2018, PLDI 2017, ASPLOS 2016, ISSTA 2016 (Subreviewer)
- Spring 2024—17-712: Fantastic Bugs and How to Find Them
- Fall 2024—17-313: Foundations of Software Engineering (with Michael Hilton)
- Fall 2023—17-313: Foundations of Software Engineering (with Andrew Begel)
- Spring 2023—17-712: Fantastic Bugs and How to Find Them
- Fall 2022—17-313: Foundations of Software Engineering (with Michael Hilton, Chris Timperley, and Daye Nam)
- Spring 2022—17-355/17-665/17-819: Program Analysis
- Fall 2021—17-313: Foundations of Software Engineering (with Michael Hilton)
- Spring 2021—17-355/17-665/17-819: Program Analysis (with Jonathan Aldrich)
- Every Fall since 2020—17-808: Introduction to Software Engineering Research (with the core SE faculty)
UC Berkeley: (Graduate student instructor; OGSI)
- Fall 2019—CS164: Programming Languages and Compilers (with Koushik Sen)
- Fall 2018—CS164: Programming Languages and Compilers (with Koushik Sen)
IIT Bombay: (Teaching assistant)
- Spring 2013—CS316: Implementation of Programming Languages (with Uday Khedker)
- Fall 2012—CS699: Software Lab (with Supratim Biswas)
- Spring 2012—CS152: Abstractions and Paradigms of Programming (with Amitabha Sanyal)
Research Group
I lead the PASTA Lab, which conducts research on Program Analysis, Software Testing, and Applications.
Academic Genealogy
Thanks to the MGP, I've discovered two very exciting lines in my academic ancestry! Here is a visualization that I made, complete with era-appropriate flags:
Bug Trophy Case
Here are some issues in open-source software that were discovered using tools that I developed:
Performance Bugs
- Google Closure Compiler: #3173
- OpenJDK: CVE-2018-3214[1]
- Apache Commons: CVE-2018-11771[1]
- Apache Maven: #35
- Apache PDFBox: CVE-2018-8036[1]
- Apache TIKA: CVE-2018-8017, CVE-2018-12418[1]
- LibArchive: #1237
- D3.js: #44
- Express.js: #3065
Memory-Safety Bugs
- WavPack: #66, #67, #68
- LibArchive: #1165 (CVE-2019-11463)
Correctness Bugs
- Google Closure Compiler: #2842, #2843, #3220
- OpenJDK: JDK-8190332, JDK-8190511, JDK-8190512, JDK-8190997, JDK-8191023, JDK-8191076, JDK-8191109, JDK-8191174, JDK-8191073, JDK-8193444, JDK-8193877
- Apache Commons: LANG-1385, COMPRESS-424, COLLECTIONS-714
- Apache Ant: #62655
- Apache Maven: #34, #57
- Apache PDFBox: PDFBOX-4333[2], PDFBOX-4338[2], PDFBOX-4339[2]
- Apache BCEL: BCEL-303, BCEL-307, BCEL-308, BCEL-309, BCEL-310, BCEL-311, BCEL-312, BCEL-313
- Mozilla Rhino: #405, #406, #407, #409, #410
- WavPack: #65
- Python: issue34939[3]